Tuesday 15 May 2012


The Indispensable Smartphone

  • Tuesday 15 May 2012
  • Jason
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  • A Study released recently shows people are using their mobile devices increasingly to settle a dispute, coordinate a meeting, find a restaurant or get emergency information.

    The Pew Internet & American Life Project said 70% of a cell phone owners and 86% of smartphone owners have used their phones for one of seven key activities, which include solving an unexepected problem, getting directions or leaning score of a sporting events.

    "Overall, these 'just-in-time' cell users, defined as anyone who as done one or more of the above actiities using their phone in the preceding 30 days, amount to 62% of the entire adult population."

    The younger users are even more reliant on their mobile devices: 88% of those aged 18 - 29 had performed one of more of these activities in the past 30 days, compared with 76% of the age 30 -49 age group, 57% in the 50 -64 age group, and 46% of the 65 and above age group.

    Some 31% of men use their phones to look up information that settles an argument or disagreement, compared with 22% of women, the study found.

    The survey conducted between March 15 and April 3, 2012 among 2,254 adults found that 88 were cell phone owners and 46% had smart phones.

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